Ezekiel 36:36 (ESV)—Then the nations that are left all around you shall know that I am the Lord; I have rebuilt the ruined places and replanted that which was desolate. I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.
The mowed-grass trail in Weldon Springs State Park winded in a loop, the trees and prairie on both sides of the path swallowing old farm buildings. Leaning against the remains of a wall was a white sign with red letters. “Rides,” it read, with an arrow marking the direction.
God marked the direction for the Israelites when their sin swallowed their existence. Their captivity in Babylon and the ruins of the Promised Land became a teaching tool for God to remind the Israelites, as well as other nations, that he is Lord.
To proclaim God is Lord is to put our faith in the one who provides salvation. It is trusting God can rebuild the ruins of a once ride-filled life. Putting God at the foundation of our life allows him to begin our restoration, and putting our faith in him leads to salvation.