Writing Under God’s Authority

Writing for God, we put on paper or online moments of our lives for all to read. When we have faith in his purpose for our words, like the centurion had faith in Jesus to heal with a word, God works wonders. He heals. He encourages. He clarifies.

He uses his authority for a purpose, and our words become more effective under his authority. As we publish, we can pray, “Lord, I am not worthy, but only say the word, and someone will experience your might through my writing.”

Matthew 8:8 (ESV)—But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.”

Words of Affirmation: Being God’s Vessel

An affirmation: "I am God's vessel created for his purpose"

Today, I read a devotional on Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her words to the angel resounded in me: “I am the servant of the Lord” (Luke 1:38 ESV). God chose Mary for the purpose of carrying and birthing baby Jesus, and she responded with certainty that God chose her.

I also recently read the story of Gideon. His response was not as instant as Mary’s. Instead he asked the angel speaking to him, “Why then has all this happened to us?” (Judges 6:13 ESV). The response: “Do I not send you?” (Judges 6:14 ESV). Clearly, God has a purpose and a chosen one for this purpose.

For writers and editors, we are blessed to be God’s vessels. God chose us to shape words and reach if not the masses then one person. As you write this coming week, remember words touch lives and God chose you to write.