1 Peter 4:12 (ESV)—Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
To plan a trip, I peruse tourism websites. Sites chock-full of pristine photos showing car-free streets and no crowds. “Perfect,” I think. But then I arrive and, while wielding my camera, I mutter, “Why can’t they get out of my shot?”
The early believers thought of Christianity like the pristine photos: the beauty of an eternal reward with no suffering. Peter explained, though, that Jesus suffered for their salvation and they, too, must live for God’s glory.
Living through these sufferings builds our Christ-like character. These tribulations add authenticity to our lives, like the people and cars make our vacation photos more real. We need not be surprised when our lives intersect with people whose lives contradict our beliefs.
Through God’s glory, we learn to love these people as Jesus did. We learn to not wish away our sufferings and instead to rejoice in God’s goodness and live for him during our trials.