Writing to Obey

I write to sort through my feelings and to clarify parts of the Bible I don’t understand. I write because it’s my heart’s desire.

Most important, I write because I believe my writing is part of God’s divine plan.

Yes, our writing is a part of God’s plan. Like Noah gathered animals to house aboard the ark, we write stories, blogs, plays, and other forms of the art to obey God’s command.

Obeying the God who releases the rain from the clouds helps us to grow as writers. He gives us a safe space to express our feelings. He helps us to understand his Word better. He instructs us how to best use our heart’s desire.

Let’s do as Noah did and commit to write everything God commands.

Genesis 7:5 (ESV)—And Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him.

Writing Under God’s Authority

Writing for God, we put on paper or online moments of our lives for all to read. When we have faith in his purpose for our words, like the centurion had faith in Jesus to heal with a word, God works wonders. He heals. He encourages. He clarifies.

He uses his authority for a purpose, and our words become more effective under his authority. As we publish, we can pray, “Lord, I am not worthy, but only say the word, and someone will experience your might through my writing.”

Matthew 8:8 (ESV)—But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.”

Sharing Our Story

Your story, in print, for anyone to read. How does this make you feel? Intimidated? Uncomfortable? Like hiding under a blanket and never coming out?

When writing for God, we don’t have to fear sharing our story. Why? Because God can use our story as a lesson for future generations, providing a glimpse of his glory through our writing.

Isaiah 30:8 (ESV)—And now, go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come as a witness forever.