Every scene has five parts: an inciting incident, progressive complications, a crisis, a climax, and a resolution. The inciting incident disrupts the main character’s world. Progressive complications make the character’s life more difficult. The crisis asks the question, do I or don’t I? The climax is when the character takes action in regard to the crisis question. The resolution shifts the value of the story and moves the plot forward.
Consider Chapter 3 of Genesis. The serpent asks Eve questions and offers more insight about the tree (inciting incident). This changes the status quo world. Next, Eve eats of the tree and shares the fruit with her husband (complications). They then realize their nakedness, and hearing God walking in the Garden, they feel a desire to hide (more complications). The turning point complication comes when God addresses them directly. They have to choose whether or not to admit to having eaten the fruit (crisis). They admit it through the blame game (climax). God then tells them the consequences of their actions (resolution). In this case, the value shifts in a negative direction from life toward death.
Inciting Incident
“Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” (verse 1)
Progressive Complications
- The serpent tells Eve she will not die but will have more knowledge.
- Eve shares the fruit with her husband, Adam, and he too partakes.
- They realize their nakedness.
- They hear God walking in the Garden and hide.
- God asks, “Where are you?” (verse 9)
- Gods asks Adam, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” (verse 11)
- God asks Eve, “What is this you have done?” (verse 13)
Do I admit to eating from the tree or not?
- Adam blames Eve.
- Eve blames the serpent.
- God curses the serpent.
- God brings about pain in childbearing.
- God curses the ground.
- God brings about death.
- God makes Adam and Eve clothing.
- God banishes Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.