Read: Philippians 1–4
While on vacation, we have every reason to rejoice. God has provided us time away to rest and relax from the normal rhythms of life.
Yet even on vacation we experience pitfalls. The rain pours down during our entire beach trip. Our tours get canceled because not enough people signed up. The hotel doesn’t live up to the reviews. The taxi takes longer than expected to show up and we arrive late to a concert.
Our feelings become a tangled mess of sadness, annoyance, anger, and maybe another emotion or two. At least mine do, at times.
For travelers, the book of Philippians offers an example of rejoicing in every moment. Paul rejoices in his hardship and encourages the Philippians to rejoice with him. If Paul can rejoice even in the face of danger, surely we can rejoice when our travel plans go awry.
Deep-down contentment lies in Christ, not in the sites we see and the restaurants we eat at. Yes, these events can provide pleasure, and if they do, we can rejoice! But that’s not always the case, and rejoicing in these moments can snuff out those unpleasant feelings.
For my past travels, I rejoice in swimming safely to shore after an unexpected dousing in the river, in spending time with my uncle, and in having a (now funny) story to tell. I rejoice in watching a baseball game and an unplanned overnight stay, after a bird roosted in the plane’s engine and caused a flight delay. I rejoice for the helpful bus driver who directed us to the beach.
What travel moment do you rejoice in?